Three wrongs will not make one right.

“Three wrongs will not make one right.”

The popular saying by Benjamin Rush was first documented in the USA in 1783, and it remains true today: “Two wrongs don’t make a right, or two wrongs won’t right a wrong.” Allow me to explain this to you in terms of security.

The majority of buildings—corporate, retail, residential, estate, and so forth—are not designed or constructed with crime and security in mind. This marks the initial mistake or first mistake.

Since homes, companies, and residential estates are often the targets of criminal activity, let’s focus on them. This brings us to the second wrong: business owners, property managers, and homeowners all want to “fix” their security since it was faulty from the start. How do they accomplish that? The only way they know how is by consulting a security provider.

Most individuals do not realize

That a security provider’s primary goal is to sell their products, such as hardware or services. The providers do not take security risks into consideration. To be fair, because service providers and installers aren’t qualified as risk assessors, they don’t grasp security risks. Their primary goal is to sell whatever it takes to get a commission, bonus, or pay. Put simply, they are just going about their business.

We now get to the third “wrong.” There is no indication of a security risk. A snide man once said, “If you don’t call it a problem, it’s not one.” I respond, “I’m calling this a problem,” to that.

Prescription medicine before a proper diagnosis could exacerbate the patient’s condition or possibly cause death. Is it possible to diagnose someone just by looking at them? No. The same holds true for security.

It’s like putting up a Christmas tree in Aprilistockphoto-1588965233- Independent security risk assessor 1024x1024 by onurdongel.

When it comes to installing security devices and paying for security services before you know whether or not you actually need them. It serves no purpose and lacks logic.

It’s not Christmas just because you have a tree decorated with lights, ornaments, and gifts in April. It won’t feel like Christmas, even if you play Christmas music. Although it could seem like Christmas in your house, it’s not, I promise.

Even with the greatest cameras, guards on duty, alarm systems, and everything else in between, security is not guaranteed. The fourth wrong is this one.

As long as there remain risks, criminals will always have the opportunity to commit a crime,

Which would be like Christmas to them, even though it might appear and feel as though you are secure.

No matter how hard you try, two, three, or even four wrongs do not create a right. The concealment may work for a while, but it’s not very effective. If you take the required actions, you can still make the necessary corrections. The first step is to hire a third party (an independent security risk assessor) to assess the property’s security risks independently.

It is the responsibility of a security risk assessor to identify the risks and create a security plan to mitigate the Security Risks. Eliminating a risk means that there is no opportunity for criminality, which is what we all want.

Once security risks have been identified,

Risk specific solutions can be implemented, and eventually the risks can be eliminated. I’m not suggesting that a security company has no part to play in this procedure. On the contrary, they play a crucial role.

The security provider or company still needs to provide and install the services, software, and hardware. Remember, the independent security risk assessor can never be a part of the solution; The security provider will now have a plan to work from, which is the difference. Since it fits the security risk, they will know what to give you.

The most crucial thing to keep in mind

Is that no matter how much confetti and glitter you add to a risk, it still remains a risk. Criminals will find a way to take advantage of any risk and use it as an opportunity to do what they do best—commit crimes.

Written by Andre Mundell, independent security risk assessor at Alwinco.

Alwinco conducts security risk assessments throughout South Africa, with a significant presence in Gauteng (including Anlinn, Braamfontein, Midrand, Rivonia, and Hatfield), as well as in Bloemfontein, LaLucia, and Houtbaai.

Prevention is better than cure.(Dead is too late.)

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Written by Andre Mundell

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