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Farm Security

Without farmers, our very existence would be in jeopardy. Risk assessment ZA South Africa – Yet criminals have long targeted them. It is time we

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Security Profiles

Security Profile Security risk assessments – Security in estates is often more complex than many realize, primarily because estates are managed like businesses. An estate

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Residential Estate Security

Residential Estate Security

Enhancing Residential Estate Security: A South African Homeowner’s Guide. In the pursuit of safety and security, many South African homeowners, like Sonja, invest substantial sums

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security is willpower-word-cloud-concept-vector-illustration-KM0TTY by .

Security is Willpower

Security risk assessment willpower. Security is willpower. As impossible as it may seem, people still do not understand security. I came to this conclusion based

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December 2019

Independent security risk assessment – Like so many previous Decembers in South Africa, December 2019 lived up to the crime, violence and murder expectations. No

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violence by eightshot.

Public Violence –

Independent security risk assessment – Yes, I am talking about Public Violence. Those, sometimes random, sometimes planned, events that can be either peaceful, or it

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Written by Andre Mundell

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